Further guidance and information

You may be able to get further assistance from these local services:

Kent Homechoice

You may be able to join the Housing Register and bid to secure suitable accommodation within the district.

Social Housing is in short supply and if you are eligible to join the Housing Register, you will not be rehoused quickly. To be housed more quickly, you may need to consider other options such as the private sector, intermediate rents or shared ownership.

There is a quick online form available on the Kent Homechoice website which will check if you are eligible for housing and if you qualify to join the Housing Register. You can then decide if you want to proceed to a full housing application form which will take you in the region of 1 hour to complete. Click or tap below to start.


Citizens Advice Bureau

Tonbridge Castle
Castle Street

Bureau Telephone Advice Line: 01732 440488
Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/local/north-west-kent/



Porchlight are a charity that work across Kent, helping vulnerable and isolated people get support across a variety of issues such as health, housing, education and employment.

Telephone number: 0800 567 76 99 – 24 hour helpline
Website: www.porchlight.org.uk/get-help



Telephone number: 0808 800 4444
Website: https://england.shelter.org.uk


Private Renting

Private rented accommodation is likely to be available on a much more frequent basis than social housing and could potentially resolve your current housing situation. If you were to look for housing at a rent that is no higher than the local housing allowance rate you may be able to claim benefits towards the rent. There is an online calculator available at www.gov.uk/benefits-adviser which you can use to check what benefits you would be entitled to.

Use the link to our entitledto calculator to review your budget, manage your finances better and check the affordability of alternative properties.

The BBC also provide a handy website which will help you identify where you may be able to find affordable accommodation: www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23234033

We have also developed a calculator to help you to review your budget and manage your finances better. The calculator also checks for additional benefit entitlements to maximise income and reviews the affordability of alternative properties. You can access the tool here:


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