Further guidance and information
You may be able to get further assistance from these local services:

You may be able to join the Housing Register and bid to secure suitable accommodation within the district.
There is a quick online form available on the Kent Homechoice website which will check if you are eligible for housing and if you qualify to join the Housing Register. You can then decide if you want to proceed to a full housing application form which will take you in the region of 1 hour to complete. Click or tap below to start.

Citizens Advice Bureau
3rd Floor Kingsley House
37 – 39 Balmoral Road
Telephone number: 01634 383760
Email: info@cabmedwayadvice.org.uk
Website: http://www.medwayadvice.org.uk

Medway Community Hub
Provides a co-ordinated service of support for vulnerable, disadvantaged homeless adults in Medway. This is through close partnerships with services and professionals from the wider community under one roof, around health, education, training, volunteering, peer support, employment and generally a more meaningful use of time. The anticipated opening is due for Autumn 2018.
411 High Street
For more information please contact 0800 698 1000

Medway’s One Stop Shop for Domestic Abuse
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, the Medway One Stop Shop runs every Tuesday morning between 9.30am and 12.pm and offers free advice, information and support from a range of agencies
Sunlight Centre
Richmond Road
Hours: Tuesday 9.30am to 12pm

Private Renting
Private rented accommodation is likely to be available on a much more frequent basis than social housing and could potentially resolve your current housing situation. If you were to look for housing at a rent that is no higher than the local housing allowance rate you may be able to claim benefits towards the rent. There is an online calculator available at www.gov.uk/benefits-adviser which you can use to check what benefits you would be entitled to.
The BBC also provide a handy website which will help you identify where you may be able to find affordable accommodation: www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23234033